BeyondSkin MediSpa

IPL Hair Removal

IPL, which stands for Intense Pulsed Light, functions in a way that’s quite similar to laser hair removal. The key distinction lies in IPL’s use of a broad spectrum of light wavelengths delivered in intense pulses. In contrast, laser hair removal employs a single light wavelength to target and eliminate body hair. IPL targets the hair follicles at the root of each strand, effectively killing them. With repeated treatments, hair regrowth in the treated areas significantly slows down, leading to lasting hair reduction.


BeyondSkin MediSpa

Perfect your Skin

Am I required to book a consultation prior to being treated?

Yes, we’ll arrange a complimentary consultation appointment for you with one of our certified technicians before any skin-rejuvenation treatments are scheduled. This is a necessary step for your safety, and we strictly adhere to this policy without exceptions. During this consultation, it’s important for you to inform us about any previous skin rejuvenation or laser skin treatments you have undergone.

In the consultation, a test patch will be performed on your skin to identify any potential adverse reactions. It’s your responsibility to inform the technician about any medications or natural health products you’re using, as well as any underlying medical conditions you have. These are essential factors for us to consider in tailoring your skin rejuvenation treatments.

We encourage you to ask all your questions during the consultation. This will help us address any concerns you may have before starting the treatment. Our goal is to ensure that you are thoroughly informed about the IPL Photofacial treatments and feel comfortable with both our clinic and your technician.

See Before After


BeyondSkin MediSpa

Get Smooth skin

IPL can be used on various parts of the body, but its effectiveness might be reduced on uneven or patchy areas. It’s generally not recommended for individuals prone to thick, raised keloid scars or those with darker skin tones, as there’s a risk of hypopigmentation. Additionally, IPL is less effective on light hair compared to darker hair.


BeyondSkin MediSpa

Other Tratment

To prepare for an IPL treatment, the first step is to schedule a consultation. During this meeting, one of our skilled aestheticians will assess your skin and develop a tailored treatment plan. Using Premier Spa’s advanced Visia Complexion Analysis System, we can precisely evaluate your skin’s condition and monitor its progress throughout the treatments. Before undergoing treatment, it’s important to avoid tanning beds, waxing, chemical peels, and medications like ibuprofen that increase the risk of bleeding.


For the treatment process, your aesthetician will start by cleansing your skin. Then, a cool gel is applied, preparing you for the treatment. IPL uses a combination of radiofrequency and broad-spectrum light to reduce unwanted pigmentation. Each session lasts about 20 to 30 minutes, and we typically recommend three to five treatments, spaced four to six weeks apart.


Regarding the results, there is no downtime required after IPL treatments, allowing you to resume normal activities immediately. You might experience some redness similar to a sunburn for a few hours post-treatment. It’s advisable to avoid hot water until your skin has fully healed. You may also observe an increase in pigmentation initially, as the pulsed light draws it out to the surface. Over time, you’ll notice a gradual improvement in your skin’s tone and texture as new, healthy skin cells emerge.


If you’re interested in more information or wish to schedule a consultation, please contact Premier Spa and Laser today!

BeyondSkin MediSpa

For Men

 Pre-Treatment Care:


  • Avoid use of Accutane for six months.
  • Avoid natural and artificial tanning—including self-tanner and spray tans—for a minimum of four weeks.
  • Discontinue the use of Retin-A, Retinol, glycolics, bleaching creams, and exfoliants on treatment area one week prior.
  • Shave any hair present in the treatment area. Men should shave twice to ensure the hair is as short as possible.
  • Gently cleanse the area, removing all makeup and lotions.
  • Do not apply any products except for a topical anesthetic if you are using one.
  • For treatment of pigmented lesions, consult your physician if there is a family history of skin cancer or other genetic diseases.

 Post-Treatment Care:


  • Avoid activiti . es that induce excessive sweating—hot tubs, saunas, hot showers, whirlpools, and vigorous workouts—for one to two days.
  • Apply a cold compress—not ice—to help reduce redness and swelling.
  • Do not pick or scratch any darkened, pigmented areas that begin to flake.
  • Avoid natural and artificial tanning—including self-tanner and spray tans—for a minimum of four weeks.
  • Apply a minimum SPF 45 (UVA/UVB) sunblock every two hours during sun exposure up to eight weeks.
  • Apply antibiotic ointment if skin is broken or blistering.
  • Use gentle cleansers with lukewarm water. Do not rub skin vigorously. Moisturizer may be applied


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