BeyondSkin MediSpa


Bienvenue chez BeyondSkin MediSpa, un centre prestigieux dédié à l’amélioration de la santé, de la beauté et de l’esthétique pour les hommes et les femmes. Notre centre esthétique réputé BeyondSkin MediSpa est ravi de présenter le programme de thérapie de beauté “BEYONDCARE”, un témoignage de notre engagement inébranlable envers des soins esthétiques non invasifs de premier ordre.

Chez BeyondSkin MediSpa, notre promesse est de fournir des solutions de beauté et de bien-être personnalisées. Nous adaptons nos services à vos besoins individuels, garantissant que chaque client reçoive un plan de traitement personnalisé pour obtenir les meilleurs résultats possibles. Notre approche combine de manière transparente des soins experts avec des stratégies d’autosoins renforçantes, toutes visant à améliorer votre apparence et à renforcer votre confiance intérieure.

Reconnaissant l’importance des traitements de beauté accessibles, nous offrons le “Financement d’un programme de thérapie de beauté”, une option de financement adaptable et sans intérêt. Cela vous permet de profiter de nos services esthétiques exceptionnels sans souci financier, en prenant soin de votre bien-être à chaque visite.

La transparence et la collaboration sont au cœur des valeurs de BeyondSkin MediSpa. Nous privilégions la précision et l’honnêteté dans toutes les informations que nous fournissons, favorisant un partenariat fondé sur la confiance et le respect mutuel. Nous donnons à nos clients le plein contrôle de leur parcours esthétique, leur permettant de gérer les rendez-vous et les traitements pour une expérience véritablement personnalisée.

Découvrez notre vaste gamme de services et les détails complets de nos tarifs sur notre site Web, Vous y trouverez toutes les informations essentielles dont vous avez besoin pour entreprendre votre parcours de thérapie de beauté en toute confiance. Tout les services offerts dans nos plans de traitement sont les services de bases seulement les plans de traitements sont en un paiement et en vente final.

Rejoignez-nous chez BeyondSkin MediSpa, où nous offrons une approche exclusive et innovante de la thérapie de beauté, garantissant que votre expérience soit à la fois enrichissante et transformative. Votre beauté et votre bien-être sont au cœur de notre mission.


14 Credits/ Months

1 Treatment

(Counts for 4)

Micro infusion +1 Option (Carbon Peel, Laser Pigmention, Vagheggi Facials, Laser Wrinkle, Laser Acnee, Laser Rosacea, Hydrojelly Mask,Dermaplaning)

Microneedsling +1 Option (Carbon Peel, Laser Pigmention, Vagheggi Facials, Laser Wrinkle, Laser Acnee, Laser Rosacea, Microinfusion, Dermaplaning)

PRP Vampire Microneedling +Luminotherapy (Counts for 10)  NEW!***

1 or 2 Treatments

(Counts for 2)
Vagheggi Facials
Body scrub
Body Wrap
Carbon Peel
Armpit detox
Hand Paraffin
But Facial
Back facial
Wood therapy
Post op treatment
Back facial
Brow Lamination NEW!***
Lypo cavitation
SmoothSilk LuxeCare NEW!***
Electro Muscular Stimulation (EMS)
Led therapy + Hydrojelly Mask

1 Treatment

(Counts for 2)
Chemical peel
Micro infusion
Hydradermabrasion NEW !***
Acne Laser
Wrinkle Laser
Rosacea Laser
Pigmentation Laser

Laser hair removal
1 Treatment

(Upper lip/Under arms/Bikini line/Eyebrows) (Count for 2)

Brazilian or full face + underarms (Count for 6)

Brazilian or full face or underarms + full legs (Count for 8)

Full  Torso or Full  Back + Brazilian + Neck 350 (Count for 8)

Laser hair removal full body (Counts for 10)

15% on Vagheggi products


*Price need to be multiple by the number of person in the package selected 


Length : 6 Months

Individual : $750
Couple or Duo: $650
Family or Trilogy : $575


Length : 12 Months

Individual : $625
Couple or Duo: $575
Family or Trilogy : $500


Subscribe now-12 MONTHS



10  Credits/ Months

1 or 4 Treatments

(Counts for 2)
Vagheggi Facials
Body scrub
Body Wrap
Carbon Peel
Armpit detox
Hand Paraffin
Brow Lamination NEW!***
Lash lift  NEW!***
But Facial
Back facial
Lypo cavitation
Wood therapy
Post op treatment
Back facial
Lypo cavitation
SmoothSilk LuxeCare NEW!***
Electro Muscular Stimulation (EMS)
Led therapy + Hydrojelly Mask

1 Treatment

(Counts for 2)
Chemical peel
Micro infusion
Acne Laser
Hydradermabrasion NEW !***
Wrinkle Laser
Rosacea Laser
Pigmentation Laser
Microneedling+Luminotherapy (Count for 2)
(Upper lip/ Under arms/ Bikini line/ Eyebrows) (Count for 2)

Laser hair removal

Brazilian or full face + underarms (Count for 6)

Brazilian or full face or underarms + full legs (Count for 8)

Brazilian+ underarms+Full legs or full arms (Counts for 8)

Full legs or full arms

(Counts for 8)

Full  Torso or Full  Back + Brazilian + Neck 350 (Count for 8)

10% on Vagheggi products


*Price need to be multiple by the number of person in the package selected 

Length : 6 Months

Individual : $475
Couple or Duo: $425
Family or Trilogy : $370

Length : 12 Months

Individual : $395
Couple or Duo: $350
Family or Trilogy : $310


Subscribe now-6 MONTHS

Subscribe now-12 MONTHS



8 Credits/ Months

1 Treatment

(Counts for 4)

Micro infusion +1 Option (Carbon Peel,Laser Pigmention, Vagheggi Facials, Laser Wrinkle, Laser Acnee, Laser Rosacea, Hydrojelly Mask,Dermaplaning)

Microneedling +1 Option (Carbon Peel, Laser Pigmention, Vagheggi Facials, Laser Wrinkle, Laser Acnee, Laser Rosacea, Microinfusion, Dermaplaning)

2 Treatments

(Counts for 2)
Vagheggi Facials
Body scrub
Body Wrap
Carbon Peel
Lipo laser
Armpit detox
Hand Paraffin
But Facial
Brow Lamination NEW!***
Lash lift  NEW!***
Wood therapy
Post op treatment
Back facial
Lypo cavitation
SmoothSilk LuxeCare NEW!***
Electro Muscular Stimulation (EMS)
Led therapy + Hydrojelly Mask

1 Treatment

(Counts for 2)
Chemical peel
Acne Laser
Hydradermabrasion NEW !***
Wrinkle Laser
Rosacea Laser
Pigmentation Laser


Laser hair removal (2)
(Upper lip Chin or  Under arms or Bikini line or Eyebrows)

Brazilian (Counts for 4)
Brazilian & underarms (Counts for 6)

10% on Vagheggi products

*Price need to be multiple by the number of person in the package selected 

Length : 6 Months

Individual : $360
Couple or Duo: $300
Family or Trilogy : $250

Length : 12 Months

Individual : $280
Couple or Duo: $240
Family or Trilogy : $200

Subscribe now-6 MONTHS

Subscribe now-12 MONTHS



6 Credits/ Months

2 Treatments

(Counts for 2)
Vagheggi Facials
Body scrub
Body Wrap
Carbon Peel
Armpit detox
Hand Paraffin
But Facial
Back facial
Led therapy + Hydrojelly Mask

1 Treatment

(Counts for 2)
Hydradermabrasion NEW !***
Chemical peel
Micro infusion
Acne Laser
Brow Lamination NEW!***
Lash lift  NEW!***
Wrinkle Laser
Rosacea Laser
Pigmentation Laser

Laser hair removal (2)
(Upper lip or Under arms or  Bikini line or Eyebrows)

Laser hair removal (4)
(Full Face)

10% on Vagheggi products

*Price need to be multiple by the number of person in the package selected 

Length : 6 Months

Individual : $300

Couple or Duo: $260
Family or Trilogy : $200

Length : 12 Months

Individual : $240
Couple or Duo: $200
Family or Trilogy : $160

Subscribe now-6 MONTHS

Subscribe now-12 MONTHS


4 Credits/ Months

1 Treatment

(Counts for 2)
Vagheggi Facials
Body scrub
Body Wrap
Carbon Peel
Armpit detox
Hand Paraffin
But Facial
Back facial
Led therapy + Hydrojelly Mask

1 Treatment

(Counts for 2)
Hydradermabrasion NEW !***
Chemical peel
Micro infusion
Acne Laser
Wrinkle Laser
Rosacea Laser
Pigmentation Laser

*Price need to be multiple by the number of person in the package selected 

Length : 6 Months

Individual : $165
Couple or Duo: $155
Family or Trilogy : $140

Length : 12 Months

Individual : $140
Couple or Duo: $115
Family or Trilogy : $100

Subscribe now-6 MONTHS

Subscribe now-12 MONTHS


4 Credits/ Months

2 Treatments

(Counts for 2)
Vagheggi Facials
Body scrub
Body Wrap
Carbon Peel
Armpit detox
Hand Paraffin
Led therapy + Hydrojelly Mask

*You need to take your appointment together the same day subsequently or at the same time

*Price need to be multiple by the number of person in the package selected 

Length :
6 Months

Individual : $135
Couple or Duo: $125
Family or Trilogy : $110


Length : 12 Months

Individual : $100
Couple or Duo: $90
Family or Trilogy : $85

Subscribe now-6 MONTHS
Subscribe now-12 MONTHS

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