Aesthetician & Esthetician
programs based on the updated information:
Program 1:
- Prerequisite: Must have either an “Aesthetician” or “Estheticien” certification.
Program 2:
Must have either an “Aesthetician” or “Estheticien” diploma & Must have a photoepilation certificate.
Applicants should ensure they meet the required prerequisites before applying to either program. Those who wish to enroll in Program 2 should have both a diploma (either Aesthetician or Estheticien) and a Laser Hair Removal certificate.
Tuition only training 1: $ 1900.00
Tuition only training 2: $ 1600.00
This comprehensive and general training will give you the necessary background to excel in any institute or specialized aesthetic clinic. It is open to anyone with an aesthetic diploma exercising the profession as an employee in an institute or as a self-employed worker. You will discover and practice on all the technologies that can be made available to you in terms of photorejuvenation.
- L’éthique professionnelle
- La sécurité, l’hygiene et la stérilisation
- L’équipement et le poste de travail
- L’introduction aux nouvelles technologies
- La peau et ses annexes
- La consultation et le dossier client
- Les désordres de la peau et anomalies pigmentaires
- Le fichier client les notions fondamentales
- Les traitements le dessin selon la morphologie
- Les techniques
- Le protocole du soin
- Les erreurs courantes les mesures de prévention
- Les pigments
- Le cercle chromatique
- Les recommandations post traitement
- La technologie du photorajeunissement
- Les diverses longueurs d’ondes
- La thermocoagulation non medical
- Le protocole du soin
- Test
- Familiarisation of the work position
- 1 model
- La difference entre les nouvelles technologies
- Les aspects légaux de la pratique
- 2 models
- Examen
- Completion of a consultation and constitution of the client file (medical history, analysis of needs, consent and explanation of pre / post care, side effects and annual supervision)
- 1 Model
- Realization of a photorejuvenation session
- Model
The main goal of our team of professionals is to help our technicians to evolve successfully into their new careers or the creation of new opportunities, with confidence, knowledge and mastery.
Latest Technologies?
At BeyondSkin MediSpa, we constantly try to keep ourselves informed of the latest technologies and contemporary needs so that our technicians are prepared to start their careers with confidence.
We support our students from the assimilation of the theory, until the graduation. We also intervene when questions arise following your training and respond to it thanks to our extensive professional network.
We have a range of tools and techniques that allow us to offer solutions tailored to your expectations and needs.
We are constantly looking for new skills and new experts in order to always be on the cutting edge of the industry and better adapt our training to your needs.
We are a team of professionals from different backgrounds, with varied and complementary skills. But our desire is common: To be the benchmark in training through the quality of our teaching and the complexity of our training.
Why Choose BeyondSkin Academy?
Because your time is precious we offer to help you in your career so as to increase your turnover, your productivity and your self-confidence.
Take advantage of your thirst for knowledge and accelerate the growth of your business by assimilating a panoply of new skills.
Because your expectations and needs are unique, we design tailor-made courses.
Beyondskin Medispa
Because your time is precious we offer to help you in your career so as to increase your turnover, your productivity and your self-confidence.
Take advantage of your thirst for knowledge and accelerate the growth of your business by assimilating a panoply of new skills.
Because your expectations and needs are unique, we design tailor-made courses.