Master Aesthetics Licensure 493-624 Hours

We understand the importance of your time, we offer specialized career support aimed at boosting your turnover, enhancing productivity, and building self-confidence.
Fuel your passion for learning and accelerate your business development by acquiring a diverse set of new skills.
Understanding that your needs and expectations are unique, we meticulously design bespoke courses tailored just for you.
Phasellus scelerisque sapien et erat maximus, eget fringilla mi luctus.
Nullam accumsan, tellus a rutrum molestie, augue tortor venenatis nisl, scelerisque bibendum velit sapien sed dui. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nulla eu cursus est, quis pellentesque sem. Aliquam tortor felis, efficitur aliquam dolor ut,
vulputate interdum ipsum. Pellentesque a massa in ex feugiat venenatis. Sed ante tortor, suscipit vitae pharetra ut, lacinia eu lectus. Aenean efficitur mi orci. Ut lectus velit, pharetra at eros quis, mollis ullamcorper justo. Aliquam mollis mollis varius. Curabitur in tincidunt quam.
This program leads to a Diploma of Vocational Studies (DEP).
Program-Specific Competencies
- Learn to examine and identify different types of skin and pigmentation
- Master professional facial, manicure, and pedicure techniques
- Master the various tools and equipment used in the skin care industry
- Learn essential makeup and wax-removal techniques
- Develop the social skills required to work in the industry
Admission Criteria
To be eligible for admission to this program leading to a Diploma of Vocational Studies (DEP), candidates must meet one of the following requirements
Language of Instruction
This training is offered in English or French.
Methods of Instruction
- At the Montréal campus
A clear futur
Prospective Student Profile
- Passionate about aesthetic care and the aesthetic services industry
- Great communication skills
- Respect, discretion and ethical behavior toward clients
- Attention to detail and ability to work quickly and efficiently
Required Material
At the beginning of the program, you will need to buy a kit prepared for you. You will also get a detailed list of the required materials for the semester along with suggestions of the best suppliers.

Concentration Courses
- Skin and Annexes (105 h)
- Consultation and Skin Examination (75 h)
- Modeling Maneuver (60 h)
- Basic Cosmetic Care (120 h)
- Professional Interaction (30 h) Basic Makeup (105 h)
- Cosmetic Products I (45 h)
- Aesthetic Hand and Nail Care I (45 h)
- Sales and Promotion (60 h)
- Specific Care (120 h)
- Workplace Integration | (15 h)
- Cosmetic Products II (45 h)
- Aesthetic Foot and Nail Care (45 h)
- Advanced Makeup (60 h)
- Hair Removal: Wax, Sugaring and Other Techniques (45 h)
- Aesthetic Hand and Nail Care II (60 h)
- Cosmetic Care Programs (60 h)
- Workplace Integration II (60 h)
- Administrative Activities (45 h)
* The College reserves the right to substitute certain courses.
Program Length
One year (three 15-week semesters). Total of 1305 hours, including a 60-hour internship.
What Can I Earn as A Cosmetic Injector?
Treatments Per Week
Cost Per Treatment
Estimated Annual Takings
Takings Per Treatment
Weekly Takings

Live Demo
Neurotoxin and dermal filler demonstrations

Included to follow along with training

10 Hours

CME Credits
Frequently Asked Questions
Nbre d’heures totales1 minimum | Nbre d’heures minimum | Nbre d’élèves maximum | Nbre de formatrices2 minimum | Document remis par le centre de formation | Document remis par I’APESEQ | ||||||||
450 heures |
1 élève |
Diplôme | Attestation3 | ||||||||
550 heures |
2 à 3 élèves |
650 heures |
4 à 12 élèves 13 à 16 élèves |
- Le nombre d’heures totales doit être donné dans la même langue. Le nombre d’heures totales n’inclus pas le temps pour faire les examens.
- Qualification de la formatrice: selon le tableau «< Critères de qualification de la formatrice >>
- Conditionnel à la réception des documents demandés